Numéro de référence officiel de la formation 1536
Nom Organisateur 2 LEARN - NEO ANIMALIA
Titre Cycle, Journée,... Cardiovascular Veterinary Point of Care Ultrasound (VPOCUS)
Titre de la formation Cardiovascular VPOCUS
Date de la formation 03/06/2019
Lieu de la formation
Type Conférence 41 min.
Démonstration d’actes techniques 0 min.  
Exposé interactif 0 min.  
Travaux pratiques sur animaux morts 0 min.  
Travaux pratiques sur animaux vivants 0 min.  
Nombre de PFCC
Y compris si contrôle réussi des connaissances
Domaine d'activité Urgences
Thème procédure VPOCUS
Espèces concernées chat, chien
Mots-clés chat, chien, urgences, VPOCUS
Type de support Vidéo et notes de cours
Durée 41 minutes
Infrastructure Via ordinateur
Nombre Maximum de participants Illimité
Langues Anglais
Objectifs de la formation Chapter 1 Subxiphoid for CVC and pericardial effusion
The subxiphoid site is a great site for abdominal, pleural and pericardial effusion. By the end of this session attendees will be able to explain how pericardial effusion can be diagnosed via both the transthoracic and subxiphoid windows and be able to explain how the caudal vena cava can be use to estimate intravascular volume. The latter is helpful in directing fluid resuscitation protocols.

Chapter 2 Left atrial size and IV guided access
The right parasternal short axis view of the heart provides the clinician with a great deal of rapid information at the cage side. By the end of this session attendees will be able to explain how to locate and interpret the left atrium for increases in size and be able to explain the value of ultrasound in assisting with IV catheter placemen tin patients with hematomas or edama, which may preclude blind percutaneous catheter placement.

Chapter 3 Vascular volume status and contractility of the heart
Building further on the interpretation of left atrial enlargement, the right parasternal short axis evaluation of the heart will be used to explain cardiac contractility and estimations of volume status. By the end of this session attendees should be able to explain the key cardiac features to assess to estimate intravascular volume status (hypo and hypervolemia) as well as the general findings that suggest increased or decreased cardiac contractility.
Résumé Have you ever struggled with trying to decide why a cat is dyspneic (asthma vs. pleural effusion vs. heart disease) and thoracic radiographs are not possible for fear the patient may decompensate? Ever worry about being able to safely give a patient IV fluids or worry that giving additional IV fluid boluses may cause volume overload? Ever wonder if you are missing something in the abdomen of a collapsed patient that presents in shock? Veterinary point of care ultrasound (VPOCUS) can help you manage these patients! VPOCUS techniques are rapid, easy-to-learn and practical ultrasound skills that ANY practitioner can apply in every day practice. VPOCUS is commonly used as a patient-side diagnostic tool to rapidly identify underlying conditions and help direct further diagnostics and therapy. VPOCUS has a high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of abdominal effusion and other abdominal applications (GI motility, bladder volume estimation, gallbladder halo, pneumoperitoneum), and several thoracic, vascular and cardiac pathologies (pneumothorax, pleural effusion, alveolar interstitial disease, left and right sided heart failure, pericardial effusion, intravascular volume estimation and response to fluid therapy). Have you ever struggled to place an IV catheter in a patients that are dehydrated, have hematomas, thick skin or edema? Ultrasound can help!

Through comprehensive lectures (with lots of ultrasound videos) and several case examples followed by a “how to” video, participants will have the opportunity to learn the skills of VPOCUS.

Chapter 1 Subxiphoid for CVC and pericardial effusion
The subxiphoid site is a great site for abdominal, pleural and pericardial effusion. By the end of this session attendees will be able to explain how pericardial effusion can be diagnosed via both the transthoracic and subxiphoid windows and be able to explain how the caudal vena cava can be use to estimate intravascular volume. The latter is helpful in directing fluid resuscitation protocols.

Chapter 2 Left atrial size and IV guided access
The right parasternal short axis view of the heart provides the clinician with a great deal of rapid information at the cage side. By the end of this session attendees will be able to explain how to locate and interpret the left atrium for increases in size and be able to explain the value of ultrasound in assisting with IV catheter placemen tin patients with hematomas or edama, which may preclude blind percutaneous catheter placement.

Chapter 3 Vascular volume status and contractility of the heart
Building further on the interpretation of left atrial enlargement, the right parasternal short axis evaluation of the heart will be used to explain cardiac contractility and estimations of volume status. By the end of this session attendees should be able to explain the key cardiac features to assess to estimate intravascular volume status (hypo and hypervolemia) as well as the general findings that suggest increased or decreased cardiac contractility.

Description additionnelle
Site Web inscription / infos http://
Prix 30 €
Places disponibles
Nom + Prénom Soren Boysen
Titre Prof Dr
Texte additionnel libre
Diplôme complémentaire 1
Diplôme complémentaire 2
Diplôme complémentaire 3
Formation complémentaire 1
Formation complémentaire 2
Formation complémentaire 3